Get the Body Online

Graphics the body comes to mind
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Get the Body Online

Reconnect your body and mind!

We feel good when we’re calm and can easily flow with what life is giving us; when we feel energized and balanced.

The high demands of the healthcare environment force you into your head. The downside of being in your head all the time, though, is that you are unaware of the vital information your body provides. This has a huge impact. Not only on your wellbeing but also on your ability to connect to yourself and others.

This short 3-module course introduces you to how the body and mind interact. It shows you how you can use the information your body provides to shift into knowing what you need, when you need it.

If you find yourself feeling drained, getting irritated over small things or having trouble focusing, you might need to get your body back online!

How this course will help you

  • Trough INSIGHT: You’ll get foundational knowledge about how your body is communicating with you
  • By DISCOVERY: You’ll learn how that information helps you navigate your day
  • By ACTION: You’ll get concrete tools to help you change the way you feel and how you see the world

What you get in this course

  • The VIDEOS in each lesson will give you experiential exercises on how to become aware of the interaction between the head and the body.
  • They will be supported by multiple WORKSHEETS to explore the body mind connection in the here and now.
  • Helpful HANDOUTS will assist you in finding new options and perspectives that open up choice in how you feel.